11月 30, 2007
Mina Pearson

English Village Band!!!

Hello, everybody!

As Misato wrote we practised for ages last Sunday for Xmas parties, so let me introduce the band members.

On keyboard: Our principal Neil. He’s been working on making music so hard! His hobby is playing the piano and reading. He started playing the piano when he was a child. I think he’s a great pianist but he’s the sort of person who prefers to help behind the scenes!

On guitar: Hiro!!! His real job is solid work! He’s a really fantasitic guitarist. He’s just beyond belief! His technique is like that of a professional, I think. He’s a very interesting man. He’s a great guitarist but at the same time, he likes going fishing! But his main job is solid work!

On keyboard: Misato. She’s the English Village receptionist. Her hobby is going to  rock concerts and beauty therapy. She also can tell you a lot about fashion! She’s a marvellous pianist too. She graduated from a music university. Oh, actually, her mum is a piano teacher! By the way, she’s a realist. She’s just the opposite of me so she supports me in many ways.

On bass: Nomochan. He’s a graphic designer. If I have to describe him in one word, he’s very unique. He admires “SAMURAI” sprit so he wears a kimono or Yukata when he’s at home. However, he plays football very well!!! He’s a very interesting man.

On vocals: It’s me. Mina! I do take care not to catch cold before the parties! Oh, I’ll intruduce myself. I’m the deputy principal of the English Village and I write mail magazines. My hobby is sports. I’m always “GENKI”!! When you feel down, you’d better come and see me. I’ll give you some energy!

Please come and see us!

The Xmas parties

1st of Dec(Funabashi) 19:00~21:00

8th of Dec(Funabashi)19:00~21:00

15th of Dec(Kinshicho)19:00~21:00

22nd of Dec(Kinshicho)19:00~21:00



  • お疲れさんです!!

  • 15日パーティーに参加する夢をみました。パーティの参加の件に関しましては、いったん持ち帰りまして、同僚のK.Aさんと相談の上、今後の対応を検討したいと考えております。宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 先週はお疲れ様でした!バンド、よかったよ!
    4週連続で大変だけど、Mina先生、風邪を早く治して、ステキな歌声を聞かせてね。Misato chanも風邪ひかないようにね(^^)


  • Chi san、コメント有難う!先週は、第1回目のクリスマスパーティーだったから、バンドメンバーはみんな、緊張していたよ!明日は、二回目だから、みんなもっとリラックスして、更に進化した演奏ができると思うよ!今週も、よろしくね!

