5月 20, 2008
Mina Pearson

The fifth day of my holiday! Part 1

I went shopping in the moring. I wanted to buy a costume for our next event, because it’s going to be a rock night!

I thought I could get the costume cheaper than in Japan. Then, I found a shop called ” American something star.” I thought  ” Yes, this is it! I can get something from here!” Then, the shop assistant came up to me and said ” Can I help you?” I said ” Yes, indeed! I want to get some clothes which ‘ll make me look like 80’s American rock star!” I thought she would laugh at me but she just said seriously ” Okay! Leave it to me! Go to the fitting-room and wait for me. I’ll bring some clothes for you.” She was really into and when I was trying a lot of clothes on for a long time, all the other shop assistants were also really enthusuastic!

In the end, none of them listed to my opinion. They really wanted to decide by themselves!!!

I mean they were just thinking of a costume which would suit me. They didn’t try to sell a lot of things or expensive things. They were very decent. When we finally made up our minds, everybody clapped!!! I couldn’t believe how long I’d stayed there, because I normally decide to buy something very quickly!

Anyway, I can tell I’m going to be a Tina Turner! Please come and check it out!

You can see Mina Turner! Ha, ha, ha!

Our event is on the 2nd of August from 19:00~!


  • Tina Turner。

  • Shiho san, thank you for your comment!いつもブログ読んでいてくれて嬉しいです!
    私のジョークわかってくれましたか?(笑)ティナ ターナーじゃなくてミナ ターナーってやつ!
