Browsing articles from "5月, 2008"
5月 16, 2008
Mina Pearson
The fouth day of my holiday! はコメントを受け付けていません

The fouth day of my holiday!


I went down to the beach which I normally go to as the high school boys’ team had told me they were playing there the following day.

We played for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed playing!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Saipan tournament parter was there too! I was very glad to see her, because during last game of that tournament, her body condition became terrible, so I was worried that she might be fed up with playing beach volleyball but, she wasn’t fed up!

She’s a strong lady!!!

I really enjoyed playing with her! After playing, I went to the beach bar and there more of my islander drinking friends were hanging around so needless to say, I really enjoyed chatting and drinking!!!

5月 16, 2008
Mina Pearson
私のホリデー三日目の番外編! はコメントを受け付けていません


200805071647001.jpg  友達と車での帰り道、良い景色を見つけたので、車を止めてもらい、1ショット撮りました。



5月 16, 2008
Neilお勧めの教材 はコメントを受け付けていません





↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

5月 16, 2008
Mina Pearson
The third day of my holiday! はコメントを受け付けていません

The third day of my holiday!

Finally, I could play volleyball!!!!!

One of my local beach volleyball friends was coaching the high school boys’ indoor volleyball team at that time so I helped his coaching. Well, actually, I really enjoyed playing with them!

However, there was a funny story typical of me…….

The gym where we practised was very far from where I was staying but another of my beach volleyball friends drove me there, but when we got there, I realised one big stupid mistake which I’d made!!!!!!!!!

The practice was indoors so I should’ve worn socks and shoes but I was wearing my beach sandals and no socks!!!!! I just couldn’t believe what I did!!!!

My friends were talking happily but I had to butt into their conversation!

I said ” Listen! I’m so stupid! Look at my feet!” And they looked at my feet.

They said ” Mi~na~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

One friend said ” Don’t you remember? You had a terrible accident with your feet a couple of years ago! You should take better care of your feet! You’ve already had a terribly painful experience! I still remember that clearly! How can you forget that! Oh, god~~~~, Mina! What are you going to do?”

Another friend said ” They’re all boys whose shoes are much bigger than yours so you can’t borrow any shoes from anybody! Yes! I remember when you had that accident, you couldn’t walk! You were hopping but you bound some tapes to your feet to kill the pain!”

I said ” Yes! I know! I do remember, but I’m scatterbrained so it can’t be helped, can it? I’ll play in my bare feet! Don’t worry!”

My first friend said ” What? bare feet?! You know the floor is concrete!”

I said ” I’ll try anyway!”

And I played for 3 hours. We played non-stop but luckily my feet were okay! However, after playing, my friends reminded me that I should remember where I’m going to play volleyball each time!”

I’ll write about it more tomorrow!

5月 15, 2008
タケノコご飯再び!! はコメントを受け付けていません




takenoko タケノコがこれでもかぁ!と言うくらい入ってます。

wantan ワンタンスープまでご飯のお供につけれくれて、もう~何から何まですみません!と感謝しつつ、結局ルンルン気分で頂いちゃいました。

5月 14, 2008
Mina Pearson
The second day of my holiday! はコメントを受け付けていません

The second day of my holiday!

I slept for a long time which gave me a lot of energy for doing sports so I went down to the beach which I normally go to, but unfortunately there was only one beach volleyball player who was waiting for other players so I gave up the idea of playing. Instead, I decided to jog on the beach while listening to music which I have to remember for our next event!

I jogged for 1 hour and trained myself for the following day for 1 hour.

I felt really refreshed after doing that and I went to the beach bar which I normally go to.

There my islander drinking friends were hanging around so we enjoyed chatting and there was a new girl whose name was very interesting!!

Her name was ” Sweetone” When I heard it, I said ” Sweetone?!?! Is that your name???” I just couldn’t beleive my ears!!!

Anyway, she lived up to her name, because she really was a sweetone!

I mean she was lovely! I really got on well with her!

I really enjoyed drinking and chatting while watching the beautiful sunset!!

I’ll write about more tomorrow!

5月 13, 2008
Mina Pearson
The first day of my holiday! はコメントを受け付けていません

The first day of my holiday!

My fight was very early in the morning so when I got to my destination, I was tired out! But my friend picked me up at the airport and when I got to my friend’s house, I unpacked my suitcase and I discovered that I’d left some toiletries behind so I went to a store to get some. I just couldn’t believe that I’d forgotten to bring them cos I spent a lot of time packing my suitcase!!

Anyway, my friends made some delicious local dishes for dinner which I really enjoyed and I went to bed really early which was unbelievable given my normal lifestyle!!

I thought ” Yes! I want to sleep long every single day of my stay!!!”

I’ll write about the second day of my holiday tomorrow.

5月 12, 2008
Mina Pearson

Fantastic holiday!

Hello, everybody!!!

Did you have a nice Golden Week? I did!

I really enjoyed my holiday, playing sports and seeing my islander friends! No make up, wearing beach sandals and shortpants, which was really relaxing for me!

I’ll write more detail about  my holiday tomorrow, but I really had a great time!!!!!!

5月 12, 2008
友達の誕生日会はXJAPAN祭り はコメントを受け付けていません


友達がお誕生日を迎えたので、みんなで飲みに行こうなんて思って友達に何がしたいか聞いたところ、「hide memorial summitのLiveのwowowの放送が見たい!」と言うことで、友達の家にみんなで集まり、残念ながら誰もまだ手に入っていなかったので、3月のXJAPANの東京ドームの破壊の夜、無謀の夜をまだ見ていなかったので見ました。破壊の夜のLiveは見事に精神も破壊され、しょんぼりしながらみんなで家に帰ったのに、今日はみんなでメンバーに対しても、演奏に対しても、いろんな事に突っ込みまくりで、最初から大爆笑しながらみました。あの時は、映像でもこの日のLiveは見たくないと思っていたのに、爆笑しながら見てる自分たちがうける。そして、無謀の夜のLiveは、全員一緒の席ではなかったのですが、みんなアリーナのAブロックの6列目ぐらいをゲットできていたので、全員テレビに映っていた事がうけた。感想は相変わらず書かないですけど、自分達が10年しまっていたXへの愛情ある突っ込みと大爆笑の感じが、なつかしくて今はたまらないのです。それよりも大爆笑するXアイテムを発見したので、ブログに書くとマニアックすぎるので、錦糸町校でお会いするXファンの方に紹介しますね!!

誕生日の友達は、ここ2、3年色々一緒に遊ぶようになり、Cocco、Rage Against The Machine、Nine Inch Nailsのliveとか一緒に行ったりしたけど、はたして初めて会ったのがいつかが思い出せなくて、今日聞いてみたら、お互い2,3年の付き合いだと思ってたけど、お互い質疑応答を繰り返したら、マリリンマンソンが初来日した渋谷クラブクアトロのLiveで初めて会った事が判明。え?出会ってから10年位たつんだ。お互いにびっくり。それも面白い縁だなぁと思いました。その友達は、客観的に物事を冷静に判断するので、毒も吐くけど的を得てる!面白い人なんですけど、クールに見えてかなり熱い人間だという事がわかり、一緒にいて楽しいんです。来月末には、海外へ旅立つのでちょっと寂しくなるけど、Xの日本公演が決まったら来ると言っていたので、X最優先なのもうけるんですよねぇ。あんまし人の事言えないですけど・・・

5月 11, 2008
ピアノを弾いてみた はコメントを受け付けていません



