Browsing articles in "ピアソン美奈"
3月 17, 2008
Mina Pearson
Give us some requests! はコメントを受け付けていません

Give us some requests!


We’re planning to perform a live concert in the near future!!!

This time, we want to play a mixture of our own stuff and the music which you want us to play.

Please give us your requests!!!

3月 14, 2008
Mina Pearson

Herb tea!

English VillageのCafeでは、10種類のオリジナルハーブティーをご提供しています。

その中での私のお気に入りはSummer’s bloom。Niallも最近までSummer’s bloomがお気に入りでした。が、しかし!2,3日前、Niallが″トリプルレモンが一番好きな味になったんだ!″と衝撃の一言!


私は、毎日″Summer’s bloom”を最低500mlは飲んでいます。でも、たまに、メアリーズカンフォターかルビーリッチが飲みたくなったりもします。ここ最近は、サマーズブルームとルビーリッチを飲む事が多いです!

SB  テイクアウトで1番人気のSummer’s Bloom!!

TL  Niallランキング1位に輝いたTriple Lemon!!

MC  花粉症の季節におすすめのMary’s Comforter!!

RR  Minaが最近良く飲むRuby Rich!!色も好まれています!!

MF なにげに男性に人気のMellowFruitsDetox!!自然の甘みに驚かれます。

ED  じわじわ人気のあるElderflowerDawn!! アイスで飲むと一気飲みする勢い!!

GU 常に季節問わず男女問わずダントツ人気のGingerUp!!

CD Kidsから大人まで大人気のCarnberryDelight!!

MR  女性に大人気のMary’s Rose!!カシスベースが好まれています。

SD  10種類の中で一番渋みがあるSunny Days!! 

3月 13, 2008
Mina Pearson
Talking of hay fever! はコメントを受け付けていません

Talking of hay fever!

I remember, two years ago, when I was playing golf in this season, I thought I had finally developed hay fever. The day was sunny and warm but windy. While I was playing, I could actually see a lot of pollen flying around in the air!!! so obviously it made all of us cry and get runny noses! I had to blow my nose all the time so I couldn’t concentre on playing!
Needless to say, my score was terrible!!! But after I left the golf club, all the symptoms disappeared!

3月 13, 2008
Mina Pearson
Hay fever! はコメントを受け付けていません

Hay fever!

Have you got hay fever? I haven’t got it, but I thought I had finally developed it, cos the edge of my left eye was very painful all day yesterday which made me very sad!
However, when I was taking my contact lenses out, I discovered that there was just one eyelash under the edge of my left eye. It caused uncomfortable feeling!
This morning my eye was perfectly all right. It was a big relief!!! I’m still free of hay fever!!!

3月 13, 2008
Mina Pearson
Scone Party in Kaijin! はコメントを受け付けていません

Scone Party in Kaijin!


Hello, eveybody!

I held a scone party in Kaijin a little while ago!

The people who attended it enjoyed the scones and the English tea!!!

3月 12, 2008
Mina Pearson
Cooking lesson-Neil! はコメントを受け付けていません

Cooking lesson-Neil!


3月 12, 2008
Mina Pearson
Niall & Michael! はコメントを受け付けていません

Niall & Michael!

200803112006000.jpg I took the picture when Niall was doing the washing-up! Look at his face expression!

200803112005000.jpgObviously, Michael was ready for this picture to be taken!

3月 11, 2008
Mina Pearson

English Village- Michael










3月 11, 2008
Mina Pearson



I went jogging this morning for the first time since I came back from Saipan.

Jogging makes me feel good!!!

Morning is the best time for jogging, I think.

I should do that more often!

3月 11, 2008
Mina Pearson



I made some Scones today, so please pop in and eat some of them!!!

They’re sweet but not over sweet- which is the key point, I think.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy them!

