1月 19, 2008
Snow! はコメントを受け付けていません


I’m very excited to have witnessed my first Japanese snow-it was very minimal (just on the apartment roof) so I’m hoping for more, I find snow incredibly nostalgic. I think this is because of sledging in northern England when I was a child. It would be fantastic to get some really deep snow but I guess that’s unlikely in Funabashi/Kinshicho!


1月 19, 2008
Mina Pearson
Yuzu! はコメントを受け付けていません



Hello, everybody!

I got a lot of Yuzu fruits from one of my students. That was very kind of her. Apparently, she’s got a Yuzu tree in her gerden.

I’ll put them in my bath and enjoy the citrus smell!


1月 15, 2008
海神校今月のイベント!!! はコメントを受け付けていません






1月16日水曜日13:00~13:50 ランチを食べながらNeilと色々英語でお話しましょう! 定員5名 2,500円

1月17日木曜日14:00~14:50 スコーンと紅茶を飲みながらNiallと色々英語でお話しましょう! 定員5名 2,000円

1月18日金曜日12:00~12:50 ランチを食べながらNeilと英語で色々お話しましょう! 定員5名 2,500円

1月24日木曜日13:00~13:50 ランチを食べながらNeilと英語で色々お話しましょう! 定員5名 2,500円

1月24日木曜日14:00~14:50 スコーンと紅茶を飲みながらNiallと色々英語でお話ししましょう! 定員5名 2,000円

1月25日金曜日12:00~12:50 ランチを食べながらNeilと英語で色々お話しましょう! 定員5名 2,500円

1月26日土曜日19:00~21:00 ワイン&チーズParty 定員10名 2,500円

1月30日水曜日13:00~13:50 ランチを食べながらNeilと英語で色々お話しましょう! 定員5名 2,500円

1月 15, 2008
Mina Pearson
Yakudoshi! はコメントを受け付けていません


Hello, everybody!

I went to a shrine with my friend yesterday as my age is supposed to be unlucky this year(Yakudoshi). I didn’t believe in it-well , I still don’t, but some of my friends insisted on my going to a shrine or temple to do ‘Yakuyoke’ so I went. It was really freezing!!!!!!


1月 15, 2008
Mina Pearson
Saitamashintoshin! はコメントを受け付けていません


Hello, everybody!

It’s been really really chilly, hasn’t it?

I went to see one of my cousins in Saitamashintoshin last weekend.

I thought it was colder than my area!

Anyway, we had a New Year’s party which was fun!


1月 13, 2008
Mina Pearson
It was chilly!!! はコメントを受け付けていません

It was chilly!!!

snowman2.gif snowman2.gif

Hello, everybody!

Today was so chilly, wasn’t it?

When I went back home, I really wanted to relax in a warm room but, typical! The kerosene had run out! So I had to go to a petrol station , which was so troublesome but I did it anyway. On top of that, it was very expensive!!! 1470yen for 18L !!! Well, it can’t be helped but anyway, I miss English central heating in this kind of weather!


1月 12, 2008
Mina Pearson
The English Village Cooking lessons!! はコメントを受け付けていません

The English Village Cooking lessons!!

Are you interested in cooking?

Why don’t you join our cooking lessons?


1月 11, 2008
Mina Pearson
England!!! はコメントを受け付けていません


Hello, everybody!

What kind of Xmas holiday did you have?

Our teachers went back to England. Our principal also went back to England. According to them, the sky was mostly grey and dark and it was chilly!!!

But they enjoyed eating Xmas dinner. Apparently, they felt it quite troublesome to go through the new system of finger printing in Narita airport, but they were very very happy to see the blue sky so as you can see, they enjoy living in Japan.

As for me, I relaxed on a tropical Island!! I enjoyed playing sports and watching the wonderful ocean!!!



1月 11, 2008
錦糸町校 バレンタインイベントが決定しました! はコメントを受け付けていません

錦糸町校 バレンタインイベントが決定しました!




2月16日土曜日19時~21時 ドリンク飲み放題、スナック付き、2,500円





お問合せはTel:03-3624-3300, e-mail:englishvillage@msg.biglobe.ne.jp


1月 8, 2008
Mina Pearson

Our Xmas parties!

picture-127.JPEpicture-131.JPEpicture-063.JPE picture-122.JPE

Happy New Year, everybody!

Our Xmas parties were very successful! The last one in particular was an absolute gas so afterwards, the band members and some of our close friends had a party to celebrate the four shows we played together. It was really really good fun and went on till 6 in the morning!

